- In this section I will introduce my text, and give my claim. My claim is, Although "Love Poem" by Linda Pastan could easily be read as a declaration of love, it is actually foretelling of heartache, thus showing the reader heartbreak is inevitable. I know this is supposed to divide an educated audience. I think it does because I could find clues for both arguments, which I will delve into below. I am unsure about which one is less obvious, which would be the one I want to argue. I'm also unsure if this argument inherently grabs people's attention. What could I add to make the thesis a dash spicier?
- One chunk of my essay probably needs to explain the surface level interpretation of this poem. This is hard because I haven't really heard interpretations of the poem, but maybe I could start with my initial reactions, which constructed more of a positive view on love. I would start on the title, which is called "Love Poem" which carries associations of positive love, and dedication. The big metaphor of the poem is a river, which is often seen as ever-flowing, and romantic. I won't go too in depth because this is not my claim. I don't know how much I should explain the other side, and how specific I should be, because I do want to tie it back in at the end.
- Another chunk of my essay should explain how underneath, it is actually a description of the heartbreak one finds in love. I would talk about the use of the word 'grab' and how that implies a certain desperation. I would talk about the lack of rhyming, which is deliberate in a poem, and how the lack of pairing or compatibility of words mirrors the incompatibility in the relationship. I would talk about how she says she 'wants' to write a poem, as opposed to, 'this is the poem'. I would also talk about the enjambment and how it conveys a sense of things breaking off before there is closure, also like in relationships. I would be happy for any suggestions you see that aid in that regard.
- I would then want to talk about how the initial response of lovey-dovey romance hiding a darker, more depressing message about the romantic love cannot be isolated. Even if it appears to be purely positive, there will always be heartbreaks lurking beneath. I'm a little queasy about this last bit because I don't know if contradicts my thesis by insinuating that the poem includes the bits about positive love. But I think it's really interesting to show how this poem reflects a pattern in life, and how our reading of the poem reflects a pattern of life.
Here is the poem for reference.
I want to write you
a love poem as headlong
as our creek
after thaw
when we stand
on its dangerous
banks and watch it carry
with it every twig
every dry leaf and branch
in its path
every scruple
when we see it
so swollen
with runoff
that even as we watch
we must grab
each other
and step back
we must grab each
other or
get our shoes
soaked we must
grab each other
a love poem as headlong
as our creek
after thaw
when we stand
on its dangerous
banks and watch it carry
with it every twig
every dry leaf and branch
in its path
every scruple
when we see it
so swollen
with runoff
that even as we watch
we must grab
each other
and step back
we must grab each
other or
get our shoes
soaked we must
grab each other
I love your argument and I think you have a good plan. For your thesis maybe try :"Although "Love Poem" by Linda Pastan is easily be read as a declaration of love, I suggest that it is actually a foretelling of heartache, thus showing the reader of Pastan's poem the inevitability of the painful heartbreak that follows love." It is just a suggestion, but you do you.
ReplyDeleteGreat job giving us a heads up of your plan of attack. For your thesis—have you tried changing the order of the argument? We did that a little in class. Maybe that would help? I think it sounds fine the way it is but rearranging the text might help spice it up!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting claim, I think you have a solid plan. I think the last part of your essay may be difficult to write in a way that the reader understands where you're going with it, but if you pull it all back to your thesis somehow it could be a really cool ending! Good job!